Thanks to his great mental power and industry, he rapidly familiarized himself with the rabbinical literature.
Explanations in rabbinical literature vary concerning cessation of the practice.
The name occurs with some frequency in the Old Testament and in rabbinical literature.
Aged fifteen, he was taken by his father to Jerusalem, where he studied rabbinical literature in the various colleges.
The names of Levi's sons, and possible daughter, are interpreted in classical rabbinical literature as being reflections on their future destiny.
The traditional rules regarding the construction of a mikveh are based on those specified in classical rabbinical literature.
His studies were on theology and oriental languages, and especially rabbinical literature.
During the 2nd century, rabbinical literature mentions it as an important center of Jewish learning.
These are sometimes referred to in rabbinical literature as simaniyot (markers).
Two opposing views of Saul are found in classical rabbinical literature.