"It think it has to be the rabbinic leadership," he said.
The rabbinic leadership of the United Synagogue is vested in the chief rabbi and the London Beth Din.
Due to the conditions of exilic Jewry, the rabbinic leadership decided to permit the Oral Torah to be transcribed in writing and disseminated.
His rabbinic leadership has transformed his congregation into a pulsating center of Torah learning and communal activity for hundreds of young, highly educated, religiously observant families.
For the most part they founded their own communities, but they often assumed positions of rabbinic and communal leadership in their new homes.
As these congregations are without full-time clergy, Temple Israel provides rabbinic leadership, monetary support, and resources to help support these communities.
He came to believe that the rabbinic leadership was too consumed by ritualism and legalistic posturing.
Costa was called before the rabbinic leadership of Amsterdam for uttering blasphemous views against Judaism and Christianity.
His spiritual integrity, intellectual vigor, & passionate advocacy of the Jewish people give testimony to his inspired rabbinic and communal leadership.
The "local rabbinic leadership resisted the new versions....Nevertheless, the new prayer books were widely accepted."