A few players were also anonymously quoted saying similar things.
Other doctors, quoted anonymously in the local press, have described his condition as more critical.
The right of the press to anonymously quote sources is unchallenged and will remain.
"These attorneys wouldn't be candid" without being quoted anonymously, she said.
Because it would endanger the students to identify the university or the city, the passages are quoted anonymously.
That the aide was even willing to be quoted anonymously on such a matter represented a huge change for City Hall.
A staff member quoted anonymously in the report compared the magazine to an elephant attempting to evolve into a jaguar.
"My father was a self-involved narcissistic guy," said the woman, who is quoted anonymously to respect her family's privacy.
These poets are anonymously quoted and incorporated into sagas.
In early October 2006, two news organizations anonymously quoted former pages who said that they had sexual liaisons with Foley after turning 18 and 21.