In some cases they quoted whole sections from the Bible, sometimes in either Latin, Greek or Hebrew rather than English, which was the common language of the period.
Also, the doctrine of "fair use" allows writers to quote limited sections of a work, as long as it is germane, properly attributed, and doesn't undercut sales of the original.
She insisted that he read the Bible over and over until he could quote entire sections to her'on demand.
Hippocrates began to quote long sections of "The Anat- omy And The Gland" in a defeated tone of voice.
It would also be good for Mr. Hurley to actually quote sections of the bill if he's going to make such accusations, because there is a lot of misinformation out there.
He quoted sections of the Roman Catholic catechism to build a case that there is no defense - including good intentions - for harming the innocent, and that peace is impossible without justice.
Dr.d.v.gundappa wrote in his book about the ablilities of h.v.nanjundiah disposing of several files in one go quoting several sections of civil and criminal procedures without referring the books.
Mr. Entrekin declined to make Mr. Armitage's full report available but quoted sections that he said reflected the historian's conclusion that Mr. Mackay had plagiarized the Morison work.
They explicitly quoted sections of Article 41 or the 1937 constitution so as to support the view of including its provisions in any new all-Ireland constitution.
I caught up with him on email, and asked if I could quote sections of his own personal blog of his adventure for this article.