He quotes his father often, saying that reaching the major leagues can happen if he works hard.
This book quotes his father as saying, "We went by several Indians.
However, when the Cardinals won Game 7, he did not quote his father.
He liked to quote his father, who would say, "If you want to learn how to play poker, play it for money."
Quoting his father, he said there were "many ways to add to the community woodpile" and that political office was only one of them.
Jim reached back into his subconscious memory and quoted his father.
Quoting her father, she said: "No one asks me about the doctor or the lawyer.
He quoted her father as saying, "Kimberly is not going to suffer anymore."
He quoted his father as saying, "It's all within the law.
"Now finish him off," she quoted her father as saying.