You'll be quoting memorable lines to one another all year.
Michael later quotes a line from the 1980 comedy film Airplane!
When he'd drained another glass of wine he began to quote bad lines from films.
The paper quoted lines from the page that did not shed a lot of light on Lewinsky's soul.
Owning, as he does, so many books, he cannot from them quote a single line.
When he is not talking to opponents about their personal lives, Randle might quote lines from movies.
I felt like quoting a line from her letter to Carson, the one about the eventual happiness of us all.
Another popular "ritual" is to leave the room, knock three times, be invited in, and then quote a line from Hamlet.
Jamie and Emma were quoting lines from the play and laughing.
But I bet he can quote a line or two from Howl.