As historian, Herodotus was sarcastically referred as the father of lies for "quoting eyewitnesses about things they could have never seen, inventing and manipulating factual material."
William W. Hagen quotes Jewish eyewitnesses who stated that as the Ukrainian soldiers retreated a festive mood came over the Polish fighters as they anticipated their reward for their fighting - the looting of Jewish stores and homes.
For example, British historian Alexander McKee in Dresden 1945 (1982) quotes eyewitnesses who state that strafing did occur.
A senior police officer, DN Biswas, quoted eyewitnesses as saying the person killed was carrying a suitcase which exploded.
He quoted eyewitnesses as saying a man disembarked carrying a suitcase which exploded.
The report by the United Nations quotes eyewitnesses in many villages describing Arab fighters carrying long knives used for slitting throats and skinning people.
According to Kāne's account on his personal blog, quoting eyewitnesses, the wave pushed all the displays out the far side of the room and left a mud line three or four feet high on the wall-except on the mural, which was dry and undamaged.
But, quoting eyewitnesses and local officials, Time said the marines had actually gone on a rampage after a roadside bomb killed a corporal in their unit.
The PM report quotes eyewitnesses who believe they saw a flying saucer marked with the Iron Cross of the German military flying low over the Thames in 1944.
Since the detective's arrest on Wednesday, police officials, quoting black eyewitnesses, have called the case an apparently unprovoked and brutal attack by the white off-duty detective, a 10-year police veteran who is attached to the Manhattan North narcotics squad and lives in Hicksville, L.I.