The document quoted in the article says implementing a monitoring system is an "urgent priority".
Various anti-smoking advocacy organizations provided the documents quoted below.
Modesitt also quotes several fictional documents at infrequent intervals throughout the book.
The latest document quoted is dated 1723.
Weinstein was "sloppy almost every time he quoted documents relating to Alger Hiss."
Or consider the recent case of two San Francisco Chronicle reporters who quoted documents from a grand jury investigating drug use by major league baseball players.
He thinks quickly, possesses a gift for making difficult concepts accessible and can quote, almost verbatim, documents and testimony he read months before.
Making no attempt at arrangement, he quotes original documents, his own experiences, or the testimony of others, to whose tales he often gives more credit than they deserve.
Hoveden is sedulously impersonal, and makes no pretense to literary style, quotes documents in full and adheres to the annalistic method.
Mr. Rylee took sharp exception to the the New York Times report, which also quoted internal documents in which company researchers called for more tests.