The 29-year-old monk set himself on fire in Sichuan province's Daofu county and died of his injuries, the official Xinhua news agency reported, quoting local authorities.
The broadcast, monitored in Tokyo, quoted local authorities as saying that the tornado, accompanied by heavy rain, struck 14 towns in in Heilongjiang Province.
An earlier official account quoting local authorities laid blame for the violence exclusively on villagers.
During his reign a further codification of Gothic law was effected and promulgated November 546, quoting numerous Roman authorities.
He is rarely original, quoting almost always other authorities.
They began with his apologies for past actions and exhortations for co-operation of all parties with the new government, quoting authorities from both sides.
Clients include private and publicly quoted companies, partnerships, local authorities, educational institutions, health trusts, charities and individuals.
A typical hoax is an email message warning recipients of a non-existent threat, usually quoting spurious authorities such as Microsoft and IBM.
They fell into controversy, quoting authorities and citing dates and places.
The official press agency quoted unidentified authorities as saying that "foreign countries should be ashamed of the inadequate aid they have sent, because some of the food is rotten."