Reuters quoted an unnamed diplomat as saying "the fact that Schluter is coming back takes the heat out of things" between Denmark and the other allies.
The agency quoted a European diplomat who attended the meeting as saying, "The nuncio is not going to hand Noriega over to the Americans."
"Tehran has held arduous negotiations to resolve the issue of detained Al Qaeda operatives," the daily quoted an unnamed diplomat as saying.
The official Albanian press agency also quoted an Italian diplomat as denying that there was unrest in the isolated country.
They quoted an Israeli diplomat who said: "Israel will not be harmed by the visit.
A year later, The Times of London quoted a diplomat: "The agreement is now in force.
The newspaper quoted a Western diplomat as declaring that "the level of detail is unbelievable.
She has served four prison terms since 1982 and was most recently convicted for publishing a human rights report that quoted an unidentified diplomat describing some Turkish soldiers as "thugs."
The Italian presidency, the magazine said, quoting an unidentified diplomat, "is proving like a bus trip with the Marx Brothers in the driver's seat."
You quote a non-American diplomat as saying that the Sandinista leaders "do not know where to find the solution."