This unanimous decision, Ford v. Georgia, offered few quotable lines and even fewer clues.
There weren't as many quotable lines or memorable moments as I usually expect from The Office.
"Even thought there are quotable lines, I would probably urge my editors to stay away from that," Mr. Feinstein said.
The film has tragic and comic elements (particularly farce) and is notable for its period music and many quotable lines.
I played safe with "Pride and Prejudice," since I had never gotten much further than its eminently quotable first line.
The address, by Mr. Bush's chief speechwriter, Michael Gerson, was loaded with quotable lines, and the media turned some into overnight classics.
Unfortunately I found Anna Karenina severely lacking in this respect, although the book is indeed well-written, with many, many quotable lines (not least the very first line!)
Maybe it's not one for the ages, but it's full of quotable lines and casually hilarious moments.
And there are certainly quotable lines in this animated anthology.
Songwriters are another good source of quotable lines.