The quixotic campaign of Al Lewis has had its share of setbacks and discrepancies.
Clements served in the Louisiana State Senate from 1936 to 1944, when he gave up the seat to launch a quixotic campaign for governor.
A better idea was offered by Bill Bradley, the former Senator who is running a quixotic campaign for President.
"What I've said is we're not going to have a quixotic campaign that I know I can't win," he said.
This quixotic campaign has been under way since the early 1970's.
Mr. Roberts' is the more quixotic campaign.
In waging this quixotic campaign, he was a key figure in the "last stand" of classical liberalism as a political movement in the nineteenth century.
I wonder how his family feels about his quixotic, and ultimately selfish, presidential campaign?
It is, to put it mildly, a quixotic campaign, and it has met with a stony silence from both sides.
In 1973, he waged a quixotic campaign for President in an election whose result was determined through a military-controlled electoral college.