"Does this mean they're going to quit paying taxes in America?"
I quit paying protection to little shots a good many years ago.
And one day she decided to swear off extortion altogether - and quit paying the quotas to her commander.
That would make it far easier for union members to quit paying the part of their dues that goes to politics.
This forced the company to quit paying dividends thus in turn stockholders became aggressive to sell the company at bargain prices.
Once she determined that the bus us-as going in the right direction" she quit paying attention.
"Of course, he quit paying the premiums on the policies just as soon as he left her?"
The company told me that Social Security quit paying the premiums on its own.
"We thought a few times, maybe we ought to quit paying the bills for this horse," Bob Lewis said.
But we've quit paying for parasites wherever we can identify them.