The programming's casual, quirky quality might seem like a risky direction, given that many of the media offerings these days emphasize high stimulation.
Pfeiffer was a wild card choice, but according to Patricia Birch, she won the part because she "has a quirky quality you don't expect."
There was a quirky quality to it.
"How do you maintain the subjective, individual, quirky, spiritual quality without the founder's vision and financial resources?"
Many of the recipes I've garnered over the years have a quirky, folkloric quality.
Its roadlessness gives it a uniquely quirky quality.
These quirky qualities are seen by others around him to be both annoying shortcomings and unusual strengths.
The isolated, quirky quality of the landscape - the only multistoried building in town is a hospital made entirely of blue glass - brings to mind experimental communities built under plastic domes.
Mr. Wright's quirky poetic animal quality - which can look both charming and prickly at the same time -was perfect for his theme.
Although initially they seem to have a quirky, art-furniture quality, the lasting impression comes from their tendency to develop a pull between abstract and utilitarian meanings.