Isn't tenancy enough to revitalize this important, quirky piece of modern architecture?
They are slightly quirky, somewhat off, but ultimately simple, sellable pieces, rarely costing more than a few hundred dollars.
"The other, with the working title 'The Unnightly News,' is a collection of quirky, odd pieces," she said yesterday, "funny both intentionally and unintentionally."
One particularly quirky piece of commentary is the line "digging in like a demented mole there", which refers to players hurling themselves into rucks.
She was one of the first to appreciate the rustic, quirky pieces, buying the things she saw and liked, by instinct, especially the items that had not yet become mainstream.
In many ways, though, the quirky pieces in the current show are similar to the Russian work.
The movement in London fashion, where trends begin, is a heightened appetite for special, quirky pieces that are individual and handmade and not shown on the runway.
Dongsok Shin offered quirky pieces by Pedro de Araujo on portative organ as prelude and interlude.
It was quirky and tiny, just a dozen or so pieces, with a painfully slow elevator up to the fifth-floor gallery.
This appealingly quirky piece will never find its way into the standard repertory, but it is nice to hear occasionally.