There are various quirky features such as child friendly pot holing, poetry walks, art centres, and breath taking views.
In marketing language, a gimmick is a unique or quirky special feature that makes something "stand out" from its contemporaries.
Yet in addition to these quirky Saab-only features, the 9-5 offers conventional attractions.
The model offers possible explanations for some of the moon's quirky features that have long been puzzling.
The strike has focused attention on actors who often labor anonymously and whose profession has several quirky features.
As we worked, we came to understand the reasoning behind some of the baidarka's quirkier features, including its bifurcated bow.
All the appliances had quirky features, or didn't work at all.
Gone from the 2000 Taurus are many of the quirky external features that made earlier models, including a 1996 redesign, so distinctive.
The view from here: One of the quirkiest features is a removable, refillable reservoir inside each bucket seat, replacing the cup holder.
Styling and quirky features aside, Cube eventually won most of us over based on its practicality.