While we may sometimes wonder at Kingston's mohawk or Zuma's quirky fashion, it does seem the .
The Sunday Telegraph behaved in a more quirky fashion, until shorn of its magazine a year ago.
Michiko Kon Robert Mann Gallery 42 East 76th Street Manhattan Through March 2 The distinctly quirky fashions created and photographed by Michiko Kon owe a whopping debt to Surrealism, and particularly to Meret Oppenheim's famous fur-lined teacup.
Specifically, they are worried that there is no standard mechanism by which a bank can fail, and so the recent failures have been handled in quirky fashion.
The pity is that Mr. Shelp, in his quirky fashion, arrives at a truth about A.I.G. that writers who focused on the insurance deals missed.
The program, the 37th event in an annual series of composer retrospectives originated by Isaiah Sheffer, presents Stravinsky's output in sometimes quirky fashion.
To its credit, it bypasses biographical thoroughness in favour of a succession of interviews, monologues, home movie clips and promo videos that chart the progress of their eclectic agit-pop in a beautifully quirky fashion.
The barrio of Gràcia has undergone a fantastic transformation in recent years, and is now a rich hunting ground for quirky fashions, hand-designed jewellery and offbeat gift ideas.