But she also backed quirky comedies and art house films made for an adult audience that fared less well at the box office.
Soares's videos are known for mixing martial arts action with quirky comedy.
It's a beautifully shot, quirky, romantic comedy that leaves most people with a smile on their face after watching it.
In this quirky comedy, the townspeople set out to change that.
Jane Weinstock, who wrote and directed this quirky (to say the least) romantic comedy, has a notable cast by quirky-little-indie-romantic-comedy standards.
Some have described the film as a quirky comedy, while others considered it a remarkably precognitive satire, featuring the loveable actor at his best.
Community A purely subjective choice, but I love Dan Harmon's quirky comedy more than is good for my health.
The play is an uneasy mixture of quirky comedy and unsettling pathos.
The types of movies being made here these days range from quirky comedies to crime dramas and horror films.