One show included a young elephant from a visiting Shrine Circus quietly performing on stage behind an "oblivious" Uncle Cyp.
It handles crisply, performs quietly and rides resiliently.
In spite of his rather turbulent introduction, Tchen performed quietly in parliament.
He performed quietly, but at 6 feet and 190 pounds, he checked like a vintage Islander.
As she pointed out to Ian: 'We'd never have known Kevin was there if she'd smutted him into her room and told him to perform quietly.
Perhaps it is the way, Willie Randolph says, that the fielders are quietly performing their tasks.
He has endured without complaint, performing quietly and capably in the minors during 1988 and 1989.
Gehrig, as always, quietly and efficiently performed his duties.
And the musical entertainment comes from an electric piano played by a man who performs quietly, like a basement musician trying not to disturb his neighbors.