The performance was hesitant at first, later quietly intense.
Talking to a reporter in the organization's conference room, he appeared quietly intense and precise of manner a few hours after meeting his staff.
Quietly intense performances by a cast of 12 heightened its mystery.
Most of the works played Saturday were quietly intense, tinged with a deep melancholy streak, and often rather nostalgic.
She described herself a pacifist and wanted her quietly intense work to convince others of the need to listen.
That the players are engrossed by the music came through in their quietly intense reading.
She was at her desk on the other side of the quietly intense command center.
Despite its title, the quietly intense solo seemed more like a meditation.
Fontini-Cristi shifted his position in the chair and looked away from the quietly intense face of the ambassador.
This city was quietly intense, humming with energy and purpose.