Jeremy's strategy was to distract for two hours straight, while Mike and Lauren held quietly.
On appeal, held quietly and unpublicized by a co-operative press, it was reduced to five.
They sat close together in front of his desk, quietly holding hands, not responding to his pleasantries.
Maeve heard him out, quietly holding his hand.
Still, in August he quietly held some strategy meetings with his manager and booking agent.
I quietly held my ground, guessing they would be reluctant to make a fuss in such upmarket company.
China's Politburo apparently also quietly held an expanded session recently to set the general guidelines for the Central Committee meeting.
When she finds out that Ren already has a girlfriend, she resigns herself to being just a friend and to quietly hold onto to her feelings.
It's Mary Kincaid who quietly holds the land and the stocks and the certificates.
It lifted its head and turned toward Festina, who was still quietly holding me back from delivering a lesson in manners.