The music moves from contemplative ritual to a cunningly crafted medley of Christmas melodies and an ending of quiet serenity.
In the quiet serenity of the night that did not seem very important; it was only important that she should shut up and not spoil his evening.
When the first reservation protest hit New Delhi in May 2006, a contrasting quiet serenity was noticed in Chennai.
But he knew every nuance of her every mood, and there was a quiet serenity within her that made him apprehensive.
He let himself in and welcomed the quiet, cool serenity of the condo after the festive confusion of Cowtown.
The restaurant is an oasis of quiet serenity underscored by the name, Dusitra, which is derived from the Sanskrit word for heaven.
It is known for its beautiful clay cliffs and quiet natural serenity, things which have become less common in the heavily populated Northeastern United States.
It was a time of quiet serenity.
Watching her now, Danny Chavasse marvelled at the quiet serenity of her eyes as she studied the emerald.
Her quiet serenity was infectious.