Spock quickly transmitted the location of that office, since Ruanek wanted to be certain of it.
The ability to quickly transmit information over long distances would prove to have an enormous impact on many diverse fields like journalism, banking, and diplomacy.
He transmitted quickly to Banger- but the entire team could hear-"Don't let him report."
As a former editor of the report, I know that it can quickly transmit needed health information.
Instead, she quickly transmitted a set of images and sensory details of the thing.
Local radio and television reports quickly transmitted the news across a stunned city.
And rural hospitals could use such a network to quickly transmit X-rays to research hospitals.
And the huge computer files created by high-resolution chips are difficult to transmit quickly to a newsroom.
Tiff observed that the radio technician quickly transmitted an evidently pre-arranged signal.
It's a technology that we can use today for quickly transmitting data.