Spoon the zucchini and cheese over them and toss quickly.
He quickly tossed the riding crop under a chair, and tried to regain his composure.
Turn off the heat, toss quickly with the coriander and serve hot.
Others dragged sandbags over, and quickly tossed them into the boat.
Having no idea how to remove the hook, I quickly tossed the flipping thing into the cooler, threw on the top and cut the line.
The villagers quickly toss the pills into their mouths, all washing them down with the same cup from a bucket of water.
With no time left, you quickly toss in a little mindless action and release the game.
As she shifted toward him, her hair swung to her cheek to be quickly tossed back.
He snatched the ball from jack's hands and quickly tossed in a shot that hit nothing but net.
Remove the pan from the heat, add the spinach and toss quickly until it barely wilts.