The 'little bodies of the casualties were quickly torn apart by others and consumed.
Draupadi quickly tore a piece of her garment to cover him.
After glancing at him, Miral quickly tore her glance away.
The stones quickly tore a hole in shoes made for indoor walking, so he had to jump down again and consider.
Again he saw his grandchild cast a glance toward the silent, watching hostages, then quickly tear her eyes away from them.
Fire departments require blades to be made with a very large diamond grit, to tear through material quickly.
The church was quickly torn down and the current, more spacious church was built the following year.
This difference would quickly tear you apart, turning you into a spaghetti-like line of atoms.
He tapped an acknowledgment, transcribed the signal, quickly tore the sheet off his note pad and went to the phone.
Misty is quickly torn apart between them and the stress gets to her, especially when it comes to her overbearing mother.