These will got he way of the mini-disc, nice idea but to quickly supplanted.
The pharmaceutical industry is quickly supplanting foreign suppliers in meeting the country's drug needs.
She started him in track, which quickly supplanted baseball, which he last played at age 12.
Lawsuits followed, but the older railroad, the first in Virginia, was quickly supplanted by the competition.
Her relief at seeing most of the team members safely returned to base camp had been quickly supplanted by frustration.
All these methods were quickly supplanted by the less-expensive Haber process.
The fine detail of the feather floating on the pond led to the "official" title being quickly supplanted.
These quickly supplanted the earlier steam driven lifts as they were able to leverage Pascal's law for a much greater force.
Sisko's tremendous sense of relief was quickly supplanted by a stinging irritation.
This was quickly supplanted by digital modulation methods to achieve even greater spectral efficiency.