Most importantly, it could quickly suck the US into conflict with China, because of US security assurances to Taiwan.
The sudden demand quickly sucked dry China's small vineyards, mostly vestiges of Western wineries from pre-Communist days.
She stirred the tea and quickly sucked her finger when cold water splashed and burned it.
Sucking quickly becomes associated with satiation and security.
Janarrl repeated, sucking quickly at the flask.
Esste sucked in air quickly.
Then he quickly sucked the relevant facts and assumptions from her with clipped questions, finishing with a small smile.
It was too hot, and she quickly sucked in cool air to save her tongue.
His violent shudder was no affectation and to take the taste away he quickly sucked at the slice of fruit Lunzie handed him.
Eugenia quickly sucked the entire length into her mouth.