His teammates quickly subdued him; one of them summoned the police.
He quickly subdued the area and was soon holding court in Mildenhall, where many of the accused were sentenced to death.
However, he was quickly subdued after being shot by James Stenbeck.
He was quickly subdued by park security officers.
They quickly subdued the man, jerked him to his feet, and handcuffed him.
He quickly subdued it, however, and said in the same light tone: 'And what does the gentleman require of me?
Protesters who rushed the police line were quickly subdued with blows from truncheons.
An Israeli reconnaissance unit quickly subdued them, killing 60 and taking numerous prisoners.
Instead, he wondered what would be just the right method of attack to quickly subdue this large and certainly tasty Hendrek.
Viking invaders quickly subdued the indigenous population, known as the Picts.