"They're steaming quickly."
At the sight of the fierce, one-sided fight, unarinored Tyler and Conestoga quickly steamed away, leaving Carondelet alone once again to suffer the full effect of the fort's firepower.
So there she crouched as the engine steamed quickly to the hole in the wall that stretched right across the other tunnel.
How can I get steam over to the bed- If she put a pan of water on the stove, the steam would never reach as far as the bed; if she brought a pan to boil and took it over beside the bed, it would stop steaming quickly, wasting the precious herbs.
Departing San Diego on 29 August, she quickly steamed north to Alaska to conduct two weeks of surveillance on a Soviet Task Force operating in American waters.
Shrimp, fished live from the tank and quickly steamed or broiled, come to the table in the shell with a simple dipping sauce.
Green tea is made by heating or quickly steaming the leaves.