Let me quickly share with you what the Holy Bible reads.
But a new crop of tools aims to make things even easier by enabling individuals to quickly share several types of common content with others.
Richard agrees, but in an aside he quickly shares his diabolical motivation with the audience.
BitTorrent gained its fame for its ability to quickly share large music and movie files online.
As he quickly shared his telescope, the sight of these beautiful beings inspired the Martians, and their depression miraculously lifted.
"They can quickly share it with their peers, and they like doing that," said Morgan.
And, perhaps the main benefit of digital pictures is this: You can quickly and easily share them with others.
After Annie tearfully accepts, the news spreads quickly to friends who share in the excitement.
Children were freely downloading it at home and quickly sharing games they created in lesson and developed at home.
The idea is to allow agents to quickly share discoveries and analyze information in ongoing investigations.