Rockets were ripple-fired in large numbers where feasible to quickly saturate a target.
Because of this, during heavy rain the soil quickly saturates, resulting in substantial runoff.
This quickly saturates regional demand.
The soils are not susceptible to much infiltration, so that they saturate quickly which contributes to surface runoff.
So unexpected large radiation doses can quickly saturate devices designed to monitor the more usual low level exposures.
This wet, cold air quickly saturates as it is lifted by the updraft, forming a cloud that seems to "descend" from the precipitation-free base.
With the help of his father and siblings, John mailed 10,000 letters to undertakers across America and the coat quickly saturated the market.
Normal silicon cells quickly saturate, while GaAs continue to improve at concentrations as high as 1500 times.
At sufficient concentrations, blood agents can quickly saturate the blood and cause death in a matter of minutes or seconds.
Having any company try to operate a picocell would quickly saturate the spectrum.