Then, if left alone, it quickly revives and makes a dash for freedom.
But the economy again turned down and, despite efforts to stimulate growth by government deficits, failed to revive quickly.
He leaned with both hands on the metal foot of the bed as if exhausted but quickly revived.
The trade negotiations must be revived quickly, possibly with America compromising.
Every single time the children return to Narnia, all their old skills and royal strength are quickly revived.
"If we pulled out now, they could quickly revive."
Mitch is, in fact, not dead and, after quickly reviving, he begins to fight John for control of a handgun.
If elected, she would "quickly revive her socialist government-run health care plan."
But attendance and membership revives quickly among young adults who are raising families.
Quesada was briefly overcome by the same accident but quickly revived.