Fortunately, they were quickly reunited.
With Obi-Wan desperate to return to the Order and Qui-Gon in need of his ex-Padawan's help, the two are quickly reunited.
Although his parents originally thought that they would be quickly reunited, it took six years for the parents to immigrate to America.
Later Snuka also got kicked out of the group, and the two quickly reunited.
They are quickly reunited but Daphne gets shot by Hunter's agents.
The couple were quickly reunited after Drake returned; and then they traveled to Switzerland to treat John's physical disability.
The four, a doctor, two nurses and a driver described as thin and frail, were quickly reunited with their families.
What Elian needs most of all, they said, is to be reunited with his father quickly, and to see that the adults in his world can work together in his best interests.
Ms. Ralston said she kept moving and was quickly reunited with her family because her mother spotted her yellow pinafore as they struggled to follow her out of the tent.
Boyd dumps Janae, but they are quickly reunited when Janae takes Ned Parker to Erinsborough High's ball.