The battalion returned to England via Egypt and the Sudan in 1921, and was quickly redeployed to Ireland.
In 1859, Belcourt left Pembina for Quebec, but was quickly redeployed to North Rustico, Prince Edward Island.
The German offensive forced the 22nd RMVE to be quickly redeployed on the Somme near the village of Marchélepot where it fought a defensive action from May 22 to May 26.
The warships were quickly redeployed to keep a close watch on all the Libyan-flagged or Libyan-owned merchant vessels sailing the Atlantic and the Medi- terranean.
His divisions were briefly attached to the retreating First and Second Armies in Lorraine before being quickly redeployed by rail on 26 August further northwest to form the new Sixth Army north of the Western Front.
Moreta and Orlith were flying hard after this tangle, that patch, aware that Sh'gall had quickly redeployed sections of several wings to cover the upper levels.
When the Spring Offensive was launched these British units were quickly redeployed to the Western Front.
Suddenly, after months of preparation for war, the fleet had been redeployed quickly to handle half a year's worth of scientific surveys, relief operations, and other missions.
It also had hundreds of workers trained to spot polio outbreaks who could be quickly redeployed to look for flu in both humans and birds.
At about 11:30 am, a peaceful march of about 1,000 people from near Freedom Square, down North Avenue, and to the French Embassy at Miyasnikyan Square (where riot police were quickly redeployed to).