"Sparks flew on both sides," Margot said, appearing to quickly recoup her aplomb.
But a growing number of Europe's biggest industrial companies are converting rapidly, convinced they can quickly recoup the cost by saving money on foreign-exchange dealings.
As Mr. English paid only $1 million for the home, he quickly recouped his investment on the sale of the fixtures.
In recent years, the Queen's has become a real gambit, rather than a tame temporary sacrifice quickly recouped.
Through a large portion of this season, the Mets have lost close games and quickly recouped them with head-turning victories.
His enemy recouped quickly, launching a vicious counterattack.
Majority of them were pit-pit films, shot in seven to ten days and aimed at quickly recouping their minimal costs.
The Liberals quickly recouped their election expenses once they were in government.
But Little quickly recouped with her finishing birdies at the eighth and ninth.
One reason these financiers were willing to spend so much was their confidence that they could quickly recoup their investments - and then some.