He began the rituals and quickly prospered, receiving a large amount of land and a prestigious teaching post at a monastery.
Saint Joseph prospered quickly in the years after its founding, growing from a population of 800 in 1846 to 8,932 in 1860.
Founding a business with his brother-in-law, he quickly prospered; within a decade, he had become one of the city's richest men.
While early entrants prosper quickly, shakeouts from competition are inevitable.
Crowninshield struck out on his own 18 months later, starting a yacht design and brokerage firm which quickly prospered.
Haskell quickly prospers and Milton keeps giving him assistance against his better judgement.
Here, at last, he met with success, establishing a medical practice that prospered quickly.
Supported by gifts from rich families, the abbey quickly prospered and was given several estates and farms.
The business quickly prospers, and the group prepares to cut a deal with EA Sports for a video game based upon their sport.
Barnum quickly prospered in the area, operating a tavern and distillery.