Once signed up, each man was instructed to travel to Switzerland, where appropriate visas were quickly procured from the South African Embassy.
He decided that in order "to go on writing plays which contained some level of maturity and usefulness, [he] had to find a way to make money quickly...a sponsor was quickly procured to pay me well for a revival of Lights Out".
Those who can afford it will not hesitate to employ a nurse from one to two weeks in advance of the expected date of confinement; and for those who live where nurses cannot be procured quickly, a similar course is recommended.
Means of conveyance were quickly procured here.
Specimens had been quickly procured for his research laboratories but Fifth had issued no reports on his findings.
And finally, the trial, now under way in Queens Criminal Court, has cast light on an underground, unregulated financial system inside the Korean-American community in which cash loans can be procured quickly at steep interest rates, an often illegal practice.