The Greens stated that the rising oil price, which was the main reason for the high inflation, would quickly nullify other attempts at relief (like tax reductions, winter fuel payments or a higher commuter lump sum payment).
Seeking to quickly nullify any potential threat, Oba ignored her and hurried to the rooms at the rear, checking first the room where he saw a workbench.
Alarmed at the Brazilian move, Argentina and Chile quickly nullified their 1902 pact and sought dreadnoughts of their own.
But Milwaukee quickly nullified the surge with a 19-0 streak of its own early in the fourth quarter, which gave them a comfortable 94-71 lead.
Yet giving out a strain or technique can quickly nullify a biologist's edge over competitors.
However, unless we quickly nullify the time advantage of the Russian programme, we will be left too far behind by the undoubted acceleration of missile and cannon technology ever to catch up.