He quickly notified the pilots, but it was too late.
After getting the call, she would quickly notify friends back in New York.
One novel feature it has is the ability to quickly and automatically notify meeting attendees that you're running late.
She underlined the importance of quickly notifying the issuing bank when a card is lost or stolen.
The impressed instructor quickly notified Dunbar's parents of her ususual skill.
Florence's daughter is surprised at their talent, quickly notifying her mother, and Florence decides to make the group recording artists.
When Muta's husband returned and saw the barricades he realized what had happened and quickly notified police.
If his bet proved wrong, he'd be notified quickly, and shift his forces via hyperdrive.
Law-enforcement authorities had to be notified quickly before any further harm came to the unknown human beings imprisoned inside the retreat.
However, the Spaniards arrested two of the runners, and the pueblos were quickly notified to accelerate the revolt.