The Sisters only occasionally erupted in anger when caught up in the boys' antics, and even then, they quickly forgave them.
Fans and supporters often quickly forgive their candidate's human failings.
I apologized immediately and the noble Tali quickly forgave me.
If children had one advantage over their elders, Denise reflected, it was their ability to forgive quickly.
The Amish quickly forgave the shooter, and went to comfort his family.
Appreciating Vick's spirit, the manager quickly forgave him.
Her forgetfulness can often be a source of annoyance to the other characters, but they quickly forgive her.
They forgive quickly and completely, but every little thing said, looked, or acted by the loved one is translated in terms of the personal.
The public won't quickly forgive them for the utter shambles they've left the economy in (again).
But when the students arrived, she quickly forgave them.