Wet skin serves as a petri dish, he said, and the microscopic bearers of disease quickly flourish.
The colony quickly flourished into a town with sixty buildings including a Catholic church, stores and a post office.
Cities quickly flourished because he reduced the local autonomy of different tribes.
It quickly flourished and In 1969 it was declared a seat of township.
From a very humble beginning with just four workers the company quickly flourished and at its busiest it gave work to up to forty men.
The first humans occupy Panama, and populations quickly flourish due to the rich resources found along both coastlines.
The system quickly flourished however and produced a rapid increase in reexportation commerce through American ports.
Nelson's store quickly flourished, and became known especially for three products: coffee, meat, and whiskey.
But new knowledge can quickly flourish.
Recoveries have been rendered by the area with the population quickly flourishing.