Other oil-related businesses quickly exploded on the scene.
If this experiment in exclusivity could blow up, I wanted it to explode quickly and get it over with.
With a quick and easy victory under its belt, America's hawkishness quickly explodes into outright war fever.
If not exploded quickly, power-up balls will return to their regular state after some time.
Those kind of perceptions need to be exploded quickly.
Both of those contracts quickly exploded in the Rockies face and led them to irrelevancy from 2001-2006.
"If you don't know them, they can explode on you quickly."
The tank quickly explodes, and if the player is still occupying it, he loses a life.
The number of archived stories quickly exploded from hundreds to thousands.
I have shredded the powder in this manner," Tom explained, "so that it will explode more evenly and quickly.