When the two detectives came for me and told me about Sean, a cold numbness quickly enveloped me.
There was a young man tossed out for fighting, a purple ring quickly enveloping his right eye.
Baratieri opened fire, but mist and the darkness of night quickly enveloped the battlefield.
Mr. Krieger said that because the main area of the building had no walls or enclosed areas, the fire quickly enveloped the entire area.
It was a cloudy day and the twilight quickly enveloped the area.
Despite the peaceful aura that quickly envelops those who leave their cars behind and hike into the hills, the place has a palpable intensity.
The spider quickly envelops its prey with silk and then inflicts the fatal bite.
Fire officials said the blaze apparently broke out on the third floor of the town house about 4:50 A.M. and quickly enveloped the building.
His body heat quickly enveloped me from chest to knee.
According to witnesses, a spark appeared on the top of the bag and quickly enveloped the balloon.