She had never played Jidkova but quickly deciphered the best approach to beating her.
He quickly deciphers that it is Amanda Young, whom Tapp interviewed after she survived her first test.
The agents quickly deciphered the note.
His coded communique to Amsterdam would be deciphered quickly and acted upon.
Kierstaad turned and watched him for a short time, the young man quickly deciphering what had just happened.
Phelippes quickly deciphered the message by finding some letters and guessing at others.
They can quickly decipher a play.
It was all in a nonsense code he had worked out, something the KGB would not decipher quickly.
It will be up to Kelly to quickly decipher the code to the Redskins' defense, and then decide where to distribute the ball.
Quickly deciphering it, he learned that the Head wanted to see him as soon as possible, top priority.