There was no traitor among them, he quickly ascertained.
Grabbing fingers quickly ascertained that it and the watch to which it was attached had both gone.
We talked about the money, and I quickly ascertained that she didn't believe in the reality of it.
The university's housing director was called in, and quickly ascertained that the rooms shown on the Web site were not at the school.
Dollar signs in our guileless eyes, we quickly ascertained that it was still selling like you-know-whats.
She took a step and felt another wall before her, quickly ascertaining that her cell was a square about three paces on a side.
Her slender left hand gripped what Lazarus quickly ascertained was a weapon, not candy.
A multiburst waveform is a useful test pattern used to quickly ascertain the frequency response of a video system.
Bhatnagar and her engineers quickly ascertained the extent of the damage Montenegro had done.
Yet he was unable to ascertain quickly what this hope was based on.