While the medical research continued, Premier and Dr. Soon-Shiong came up with a quicker path to success - selling generic drugs to hospitals.
There are leaderboards to compete against as well, and it's fun to practice each level to find quicker paths and even secret exits.
"There is a quicker path," Vicente said.
It sought a straighter route, believing it to be the quicker path to safety.
A better, quicker path up the ladder?
Demolishing walls which are preventing beaten enemies from retreating is a quicker path to peace.
They come to learn that kidnapping a local businessman was likely a quicker and easier path to a ransom.
Gated communities may offer an even quicker path to forming friendships.
The fact that consumers already pay high prices for battery power is a central reason why many start-up fuel cell companies regard microcells as a quicker path to profits.
Making a clearer, quicker path to the bathroom and wearing clothes that are easily removed, if you have trouble reaching the bathroom before you urinate.