Another quick rub of Neville's beak, and the impression that the winning rival was much older than the younger "bird" confirmed that.
Inspired, he beamed, gave her shoulder a quick rub.
Starsa could see them through the front portal as they approached and softly bumped heads in greeting, a quick rub before twisting away.
Grooming Pharaohs is as easy as a quick rub with a hound glove or a damp cloth.
Hrffl placed the cape on her shoulders, and gave her back a quick circular rub.
The coat is very short and needs only a quick rub with a soft brush to minimise shedding.
Jack stooped to give the black a quick rub behind the ears.
A quick rub is like an embarrassed little laugh or snicker, used when a dignitary trips or falls in the middle of a photo-op.
'Not much, no,' said Richard, giving his hair a quick rub.
After a quick rub down Teka helps with the clearing up.