Rippidyhaasanalog interrupted, restored to near previous dimensions, his query quick and urgent.
A quick query to Kiljar, though, told her that it was a phenomenon of the moment.
Then, Roddy tosses her a quick cold query: "What will he do?"
Luff Barrago recognized the arrival and responded with the quick query: "What's up, Beak?"
She punched in quick queries.
Following are a couple of quick queries about your introductory essay to "Patriotic Gore."
But a quick query of Kossori dispelled that notion.
When he returned from the phone Mr. Shear laughed in quoting the quick query of a friend watching the debate elsewhere.
In a mischievous way, she shot a quick query at me: "Who coined the metaphor about religion being the 'opium' of the people?"
"I'll come if I can be of any help, "Mairi said with a quick query at Red, who nodded approval.