For example, a questionnaire designed to investigate attitudes towards work may provide respondents with a list of statements indicating a point of view to which they have to express a level of agreement or disagreement (see Figure 5.1).
But the questionnaire, along with the judge's general lack of writing and speeches, has provided few clues about how he will rule.
An hourly round is one improvement that most nurses would love to instigate, and a questionnaire for families would provide us with valuable feedback.
(The questionnaire used to calculate their risk is online at, takes a few minutes to complete and provides a risk estimate immediately.)
Surveys or questionnaires, though frequently considered inaccurate due to self-reporting, can provide more detailed information than administrative reports alone.
For boys, who are known for their unwillingness or inability to open up, a computerized questionnaire can provide a safe, confidential avenue for expression.
This questionnaire, known as the Imaginal Processes Inventory (IPI), provides a trait measure of mind wandering and it assesses the experience on three dimensions: 1.
Constituents complete a confidential questionnaire and matches their request with the appropriate benefit programs, and provides application information.
Complete a confidential questionnaire and matches your request with the appropriate benefit programs, and provides application information.
Informant questionnaires provide complementary information to brief cognitive tests.