They mailed questionnaires to 2,100 women in England who had given birth within the past year.
The questionnaire, mailed to 2,000 drivers last spring, was returned by about 300 people.
The first 100 responses of the nearly 3,600 questionnaires mailed were largely negative, with about 80 against the deal and only 20 in support.
The consultation involved questionnaires being mailed out to all citizens for their opinions; some 917,000 or 11% were returned.
A honeymoon added another $2,314, according to the survey, which was based on 1,469 responses to questionnaires mailed to 3,500 readers.
Then the Siegels mailed questionnaires to the dealers, followed by telephone calls before they showed up in person.
The researchers mailed questionnaires to some 2,000 doctors asking whether they had religious or moral objections to three controversial practices.
The Conference Board relies on questionnaires mailed out the first of each month to 5,000 households.
The second survey mailed questionnaires to 8000 members of the U.S. armed services.
Data collection Data were collected from two sources - mailed self-administered questionnaires and hospital delivery records.